Monday, May 03, 2010

End of an Era... Lost in memories...

Here comes a time, when space and dimensions would look different..
Leaves in blue and sky in green!
Leave some and comes others...

Footsteps are left around, to look and feel...
Aroma of Love noble lingers in air...
Gone is the real, come days of green and blue!

Time, whether bends or not is the same.
For those who love, life is a waiting.
And for the living, love is a lifetime...

It hurts, it heals. In the end, it laughs.
Its time- the mystic, who does the mistake.
Leave the world to itself, give us no more.

The sweet joy that swept the tongue today,
Would still linger in the mind, erasing the tongue.
Now, that's love, even when its gone!

End is a Nothing, in a world full of past.
Each moment comes with a promise of memory.
Waiting then is sweet, if not sweeter than love!

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