Once upon a time there was a tiger in a forest named Tiggu. He was very strong. He used to disturb and frighten everyone in the forest. Nobody liked him since he was very irritating.
One day, while walking through the forest, Tiggu the tiger accidentally stepped over a thorn. It pierced his hind leg badly, and it started bleeding. Tiggu ran back home. It was very painful. He wept for hours, but the pain did not go down. He began to feel hungry. Pain and hunger made him weak. He couldn't even move.
The next day, Rabbu rabbit and Denzu deer were walking past Tiggu the tiger's cave. They heard a very weak weeping sound from inside Tiggu's cave. They listened for some time.
Rabbu rabbit said: "It is Tiggu the tiger's voice. He is crying. Shall we go and see?"
Denzu deer said: "No! I am afraid. He will kill and eat me. May be he is playing a trick on us."
"But let us just see. What if he is really in some danger? My mother told me that I must help other animals," said Rabbu rabbit.
"Ok then. We shall take a risk. Let us go and see." said Denzu deer.
They tiptoed into Tiggu's den and saw that Tiggu the tiger was indeed weeping and rolling on the floor in pain.
They hid behind the door and asked him, "Hi Tiggu, what is wrong? Why are you weeping?"
Tiggu said through his tears, "Please help me. There is a thorn in my foot. I can't move. I am dying. Please help me."
Rabbu rabbit said: "We shall help you. But how do we know that you will not kill and eat us. Promise that you will not kill us or disturb other animals unnecessarily ever again. See, you don't have any friends. If you are nice to others, you will have many friends."
Tiggu said: "Oh yes. I shall be very nice to everybody from today onward. I will not disturb anyone unnecessarily from today. Please help me. Please..."

Rabbu rabbit and Denzu deer slowly went near Tiggu. They saw the thorn in his foot. Slowly, they pulled the thorn out and applied medicine on the wound. Tiggu felt very relaxed. The pain went away.
Tiggu realized that he needs friends in the forest to live happily. So he thanked Rabbu rabbit and Denzu deer profusely. They became very good friends. That day onwards, Tiggu never disturbed any other animal in the forest. He became friends with everyone- a happy tiger.