That day onwards, he became very proud. He behaved rudely with other cats and humans. He would scream loudly if humans did not give him milk and food on time. He would bite and beat other cats if they came to share in his food.
Slowly, humans began to dislike Chikku. They did not give him milk and food. He became very hungry and tired. So he went to his cat friends and asked them for some food. But they told him, "you did not give us any food when we asked. Why should we give you any food and milk?"

Chikku went back to his friends and had milk and food. He learned a lesson, that he is not better than others. He said to himself, "I am equal to others. I have to share what I have with others. Then everyone will be happy."
The next day, he went back to his human friends and remained silent with a sorry face. When they looked at him, he said sorry "Meaw, sorry, Meaw." Humans picked him up with a smile and gave him plenty of food and milk. Chikku shared what he got, with other cats and remained happy for ever.
Lesson: If we are humble and loving with others, we will have many good friends, and a happy life.
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