Saturday, May 05, 2012

That which is unsaid...

I watched a popular Hindi film, Bodyguard.
I was touched by the way something can touch human hearts. Looking at the movie objectively, I can understand why it was such a big hit at the box office. Though Siddhique has no new theme than love in the movie, he has seen love in a different light. He has hit the bulls eye. Love is the most common, but the most valuable emotion that's around. Its been around since the beginning of human-ness. Therefore, when we look at or hear about or feel it, we are take off into a world of our own. We are transported to a place thats very personal, very 'our own'. In that space, we feel love as it is. In a world of pretensions and imitations, one is not able to express and feel love at its purest form. Though this is a very absurd thought, sometimes I feel this is indeed true. When we are alone with ourselves and love, bliss descends upon us. And thats holy place. Presence of God is felt there. I don't care if Bodyguard is a commercial movie, but I am thankful to its form and content for making me feel love, and LOVED.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Forty days and Forty nights

Its forty days. And forty nights. Feels like its forty years. But to count, its just forty days and forty nights. Just over a month. Spread over my mental landscape like a barren desert with distant oases- forty days and forty nights. Forty countable time periods… just forty of them. But if you count the drops of tears that I shed during those forty… I am left with no words to recount what they were for me. But there is a swelling within which always threatens to explore. A swelling so full of pain, agony, love and loneliness. So life-like I guess. I listen to Lionel Richie, Hariharan… and go down into the abyss of reflection of my state.

When I get up in the morning, I ask myself- ‘what next?’ There’s no answer I know. But what if there is… Forty mornings have heard this question, but none heard its answer.

The forty were spent on trains, buses, dingy lodge rooms, red hot Hyderabad streets, cheap hotel tables, verandas of old buildings, at the ends of long and never ending queues, and lost in thoughts about what is the meaning of all these… Whenever I turned around hearing a ‘no’ or a ‘sorry’, I went back into thoughts about meaning. Of late, I wonder if I am searching for a job or meaning…

In one of my literature classes there were discussions of meaning making, and life as a process of meaning making. Now I understand what it all meant. It is true. Life is meaning making. Whenever I went down the narrow fissure of despair, there came a voice from within that told me to wait till the meaning is revealed. A long wait for a revelation- LIFE.

But it sucks to learn that its not easy to wait indefinitely. While you wait at a hotel table, you know your food is being cooked. When you wait in the railway booking queue, you know your turn is this far. But when you wait for meaning, you don’t know till when or if at all! That’s what sucks…

Once, in a cave-like lodge room in Ernakulam, I was amazed by the dedication with which scores of mosquitoes kept on trying to suck me dry of my blood. I wondered why I lack that king of enthusiasm about my own life. Then I realized that whatever happened to me was the outcome of what I have within. There is nothing unexpected and unplanned in life. Even death and accidents could be expected and planned. One should be prepared for anything. One should be prepared to attempt till one’s prey is sucked dry of blood- just like those Ernakulam mosquitoes. 

So its forty days and forty nights now. Forty days and forty nights of itinerant existence, address-less-ness, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Today, sitting in the chill and heights of my room, I can see these forty days and nights laid out like a collage on the busy streets and tall buildings around. Dark and bright, they hold up their ups and downs for me to see. Forty pieces of them. Forty pairs of them. One for each day and night. I can hear people, smell spoilt food, see frowns and smiles of people I love/d on those forty pieces of collage- sort of jigsaw puzzle I would say. From this height, I can see they take a shape… a definite shape of something which I can’t make what… Probably I will have to wait. Another revelation of kinds. I am reminded of my literature class again, and the sweetest of all teachers I had… Unfolding meaning. Meaning making. LIFE.

Yes, I realize. It is life. The unfolding. The revelation. LIFE. Life in a crucible of love, pain and loneliness. That’s what it is- Life in forty days and forty nights.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ways to learn...

Experiences do not come one's way. One can't go in search of them either. One needs to be open to the nodes of experiences that guide this phenomenon called life. If one is blind to what comes to him/her, no learning takes place. At the same time, life will not seem a meaningful exercise.

The other day, while I was waiting for a bus (which I do many times these days) a beggar approached me. I didn't mind that man. He was ugly. Might not have had a bath in ages! While wondering why this fellow cant have a bath, a young boy standing next me gave him a Rupee one coin. The beggar received it, raised his hand as if to bless and moved on. The boy went back to his chatting on phone.

But I couldn't move on. I was pushed into thinking. I was wondering why beggars are made at all! I, for example, am educated. But I beg for a job, I beg for my salary and food. Why do we have to beg? Is this world so bad that no one can get his/her share of food and shelter? Anyway, I was awaken from thoughts by the next beggar, and I imitated the young boy, contributing a Rupee to the beggar. I felt proud.
What I am driving at is, that if we don't keep ourselves open, such experiences can escape us. If they escape us, there is no way we can get it back and relish it.

These are ways to learn. Today when I went for lunch, I planed to buy Poori. But just then, it got over. The other day, I was hesitating to go by a bus which went round-about. So I waited for another bus. Many buses of the former category passed by, but none of the latter. I waited for an hour and a quarter. Then I realized that the other route also would have taken me to my destination long back. I decided to board any bus that came my way. Then plays destiny. For another half an hour, NO bus came that way!!! What does this experience teach me? Grab the opportunity? or Don't wait for better opportunities? I don't know. probably it is true that I should have taken the first bus. I am yet to understand the lesson.

I was searching for a room to stay. It's a rich man's world- I understood long ago. So I decided to move to a poorer locality where I can save a little on rent. But not many are available. Those available are in shabby condition. After many a good friends' generous and selfless efforts, a room was found. Advance was paid, and on the next day, I paid full rent for a month in advance and started staying. But the very next day, people at my office tells me that I can stay at the guest house in the office. What is it! I couldn't understand the mystery. Why shouldn't I wait for a day? Why didn't the office tell me a day earlier? But no complaints. I might get my advanced money back... What I learn is that there is no lack of generosity in this world. I was offered this room at the office, because of the generosity of a benevolent lady at the office.
What do I learn?

I learn that I am learning. That I can't keep my eyes closed to these realities around. That these are ways to learn- looking around and understanding...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

More Chalai shots


Reading and the Other

Reading and ‘the Other’

Sajit M. Mathews
Human existence is undeniably interrelated and interdependent. Right from pre-birth stage as ovum and sperm, to post-death stage as food for bacteria, life has to encounter numerous situations, persons, ideas and things. All such encounters necessitate the existence of ‘the other’ if we claim ourselves to be ‘selves’. The extent of this encounter varies from person to person depending on one’s psychological disposition and various social, cultural and other factors. Even for those who have minimum possibilities for actual encounters, literature keeps a wide door open, to ‘the other’ in various ways. As C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) says, “In reading great literature, I become a thousand men and yet remain myself,” while sitting in my reading room.
For a reader, a literary text is something that is outside of him/her. It is written by an author of another time and place having probably a totally different upbringing and mental make-up. The reader has to encounter this totally strange object of consciousness, taking risks about his/her identity as in any other encounter in the world. Here, the text itself is ‘the other’. Thus, reading a text of literature is an encounter of the readers’ self with ‘the other’.
The relationship between self and ‘the other’ is always characterized by distance. In encountering the text which is ‘the other’, reader has to cross this distance. Therefore, reading literature entails problems for the reader and ‘the other’.
Two Equations Between the Reader’s Self and ‘the Other’
1.      Introspection- Introspection says that more of you is inside yourself. Self can know itself by itself, from itself. Here, growth or expansion of identity has to do with self reliance. The agency of self growth is introspection.
2.      Interpretation- Interpretation occurs when there is interaction between two parties. The self knows itself by getting in touch with the other because what is outside of you is also part of you. Interpretation happens on a common ground of dialogue.
Literary theory has nothing to do with introspection as a way to or an agency of reading, because the starting point of experience of literature is an engagement with the text, which is a form of ‘the other’. Reading is an act of dialogue or interpretation entailing ‘the other’. The experience of literature is an example of the growth of self from the other. It has to do with ‘the other’ and its role in reader’s self. Experience of a literary text begins with the engagement with the other.
Fusion of Horizons
Reading is a dialogue between the reader and the text which is ‘the other’. Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) maintains that in dialogue we can sometimes achieve fusion of horizons. Horizon is a metaphor for our situation in this world. Fusion of horizons is an event of truth. Our world, comes to presence as the prejudged, the always understood or interpreted. This is truth for us and it is no less truth when we become aware that truth is inseparable from prejudices. In genuine dialogue with the other there is a possibility of risking the very prejudices that make our world and  costitute our truths. Dialogue moves in two directions- ‘back’ towards our pre-understandings and moves ‘forward’ towards achieving a common understandings. This could  be towards agreement or at least toward recognition of exactly what we disagree about and why. This back and forth movement is what Gadamer means by fusion of horizons.
It is the same movement that happens in reading. The alien text engages in a dialogue with the reader. The preunderstandings and pre-knowledge of the reader and the cumulative meanings of the text  enter into a meaningful interaction and a fusion of horizons happens, to reveal truth. New understandings and new meanings emerge out of this interaction, adding to surplus meaning.
Fear of ‘the other’
Literary text is apparently strange or unfamiliar to the reader. This apparent nature breeds fear because ‘the other’ is deemed to be different and strange. So one remains fixated in the familiar. The little ‘me’ is preferred to the alien ‘other’. The limited, comfortable space within is preferred over the ever expanding world outside. According to Wolfgang Iser (1926-2007), we need to step out of the familiar and go into the new and unfamiliar in order to grow.
Object Constancy and Reading
In literary experience, there is a problematic distance between the reader’s self and the other. Only when this distance is bridged, one can enter the unfamiliar other. The courage to do so comes from a concept called ‘object constancy’ in psychology. It is an assurance or trust that a child develops while it is six months to five years old. For a child, mother is the very first object. Even if the mother is physically absent, the child knows that the mother is there. This trust in the mother is called object constancy. That same trust is one’s capacity for dialogue with the other.
            Here, the role of the other (text) is as an agent of expansion of the identity of the reader’s self. The more you read, the more you are connected with yourself because You are ‘the Other’ and more of you is outside of you. Our call in life is to add the other to self, not to isolate. Reading does exactly that, by getting in touch with the other. In the absence of dialogic interpretational skill, one will subtract the other from self leading to exclusivist and extremist world view.
Liminality and the Other
For hermeneutics, when the two different categories meet, there is a space between them where neither is itself. It is the problematic zone of liminality. Interpretation is an exchange of meaning in liminality. Passage through liminality is always problematic. Life is full of limilalities or problematic meeting places like the transition from childhood to adulthood through adolescence. Reader and text are two categories with liminal space between them. Textual interpretation happens in liminality. The engagement of the reader with the text (the other) happens in liminal space. This engagement is not introspection, but interpretation.
Reading and the Other
Every piece of writing is born with a readerly expectation. The Reader is integral to the text as an ontological value. For phenomenology of literature, the ontology of the mode of existence of the text is as an appearance in the consciousness of the reader. A text necessitates a reader. A text as a fete of writing is complete only when it becomes an object of the readers’ consciousness. Prior to reading, text is indeterminate. That is, a scheme of clues, directions, triggers and promptings which expect a reader and is designated as ‘the implied reader’. Implied reader is the ‘act of reading’ that the fete of writing requires (not the historical reader).  It is the act of reading built into the writing, inspisating the writing. In the terminology of reception theory, it is the act of reading that 'concretizes' or ‘realizes’ the literary work. In short, without reading there would be no literary work at all.
But again, there is no grand universal reading provided for all. Everyone reads the same text differently because some of the clues or directions in the implied reader are foregrounded only for particular readers. This emphasizes the fact that one needs muatuality or commonality of ‘horizons’ to read any text. This again implies that no reading is absolute.
We see the application of the same in life. No two people understand a third person uniformly. One’s friend will be another one’s foe and another’s inspiration and so on. The problem of the reader and the other is reflective of the problem of violence and peace. All societies have the problem of ethnic self subtracting self. The more the fear of the other, the more the violence. Exclusive ethnocentric self promotes endless violence. We must orient ourselves as world centric and peace favouring people. Polyphonic magnanimity and dialogic solidarity and bridge building should survive the contracted ethnocentric self that breeds violence. To fear the other is to be afraid of oneself, which is the casualty of adulthood.
Reading as a discipline lets us overcome this difficulty with the other, by offering countless opportunities to get in touch with ‘the other’. Reading teaches us to incorporate the meaning of the other into our horizon. It could help us replace aggressive advocacy of violence with self-respecting inclusivism. Acceptance of the other with its merits and flaws is a virtue reading can promote, without which our world might not see another happy century.

Being Poor Isn't That Bad!

It was about 11 am. The bell rang. It was the postman. I was waiting for him for a week.  I had subscribed to Mathrubhumi Weekly a couple of...